Howard Crabtree'S WHEN PIGS FLY, created by Howard Crabtree and Mark Waldrop, with music by the late Dick Gallagher, stars a character named Howard (Jordan Ahnquist), not unlike Mr. Crabtree. In a hastily booked theatre under renovation, Howard struggles to put on a lavish musical revue over numerous obstacles, including more...
When Pigs Fly
You've Got to Stay in the Game
Torch #1
Light in the Loafers
Coming Attraction 1
Coming Attraction 2
Coming Attraction 3
Not All Man
Torch #2
A Patriotic Finale
Wear Your Vanity with Pride
Hawaiian Wedding Day
Cupid's Arrow
Shaft of Love
Sam and Me
Bigger Is Better
Torch #3
Laughing Matters
Miss Roundhole Returns
Over the Top