F. Murray Abraham, renowned for his extensive work in theater including plays by Beckett, brought his exceptional talent to the stage in a past production of "Waiting for Godot," adding to a career that also boasts an Academy Award and numerous accolades in film and television. more...
Bill Irwin, renowned for his multifaceted career as an actor, director, writer, and clown, brought his unique talents to the stage in "Waiting for Godot," showcasing his versatility in both classical and contemporary theatre. more...
Steve Martin, a multi-talented performer and acclaimed artist, brought his extensive experience in comedy and drama to the stage in a past production of "Waiting for Godot," showcasing his versatility beyond his well-known film and television roles. more...
David Hyde Pierce, known for his Emmy-winning role as Dr. Niles Crane on "Frasier," brought his exceptional talent to the stage in "Waiting for Godot." more...
Robin Williams, a versatile entertainer known for his roles in Mork & Mindy and Good Will Hunting, showcased his theatrical talent off-Broadway in 1988, performing alongside Steve Martin in Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot at Lincoln Center. more...
Awards and Nominations
1988 Drama Desk Awards
Outstanding Featured Actor - Play: Bill Irwin was nominated but did not win.