Joan Copeland, who played in the 1970 production of Two By Two, made her Broadway debut in 1948 and has an extensive list of credits including The Price (1968) and 45 Seconds From Broadway (2001). more...
Madeline Kahn, renowned for her comedic film roles and multiple Tony Award nominations, brought her immense talent to the stage in "Two By Two" in the past, further solidifying her versatile acting career. more...
Danny Kaye, known for his captivating performances in films like "White Christmas" and "The Court Jester," brought his unique blend of physical comedy and rapid-fire novelty songs to the stage in "Two By Two." more...
Walter Willison, who starred as Japheth in the original 1971 production of "Two By Two," has had an illustrious career in theater, including performances in "WALL TO WALL RICHARD RODGERS" at Symphony Space and the 13th Annual Cabaret Convention. more...
Awards and Nominations
1971 Tony Awards
Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Musical: Walter Willison was nominated but did not win.