F. Murray Abraham, known for his extensive work in both classical and contemporary theatre, as well as his award-winning performances in films like "Amadeus," brought his remarkable talent to the stage in "Triumph of Love," adding to his illustrious career that includes prestigious accolades such as an Academy Award and a Golden Globe. more...
Roger Bart, known for his extensive work in both film and television, showcased his versatile talent on stage in *Triumph of Love*, adding to his impressive theatrical repertoire which includes Tony Award-winning performances and memorable roles in musicals like *The Producers* and *Young Frankenstein*. more...
Betty Buckley, who earned a Tony nomination for her role in "Triumph of Love," is celebrated for her extensive career in musical theatre, including her Tony Award-winning performance as Grizabella in "Cats" and her critically acclaimed portrayal of Norma Desmond in "Sunset Boulevard." more...
Kevin Chamberlin, known for his Tony-nominated performances in Seussical and The Addams Family, also showcased his talents in the Broadway production of Triumph of Love. more...
Susan Egan, who starred in Triumph of Love, has an illustrious career spanning theatre, film, television, and music, including a Tony-nominated performance as the original "Belle" in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. more...
Daniel Jenkins, an accomplished actor and director with extensive training from prestigious institutions in the UK, has a rich history of performances, including his notable role in "Triumph of Love." more...
Nancy Opel, who has an extensive Broadway resume including a Tony-nominated performance in Urinetown, also graced the stage in Triumph of Love. more...