Produced on the 100th anniversary of the quintessential tragedy, Titanic - the Musical is the factual story of that ship — of her officers, crew and passengers — whose fates were sealed on that tragic night in April 1912. The winner of 5 Tony Awards, including Best Musical, this more...
In Every Age
How Did They Build Titanic?
There She Is
Loading Inventory
The Largest Moving Object
I Must Get on That Ship
The 1st Class Roster
Godspeed Titanic
Barrett's Song
What a Remarkable Age This Is
To Be a Captain
Lady's Maid
The Proposal
The Night Was Alive
Doing the Latest Rag
I Have Danced
No Moon
Wake Up, Wake Up!
Dressed in Your Pyjamas in the Grand Salon
The Staircase
The Blame
Getting in the Lifeboat
We'll Meet Tomorrow
Mr. Andrews' Vision
I Give You My Hand
Behind Every Fortune