Veanne Cox, known for her Tony and Drama Desk-nominated performance in "Company" and her Obie Award for Sustained Excellence, brought her extensive experience to the cast of "The Wooden Breeks," showcasing her versatile talent in both Broadway and Off-Broadway productions. more...
Maria Dizzia, known for her versatile performances across stage, television, and film, brought her acclaimed acting talent to "The Wooden Breeks," further solidifying her reputation in the theater world. more...
Ron Cephas Jones, who has garnered widespread acclaim for his Emmy-winning role in "This is Us," showcased his versatile stage talents in MCC's past production of "The Wooden Breeks." more...
T. Ryder Smith, known for his extensive work in theater including the world premieres of "Scenes From Court Life" and "Our Lady of Kibeho," was also a notable cast member in "The Wooden Breeks." more...