Teagle F. Bougere, who made his Broadway debut in the 1996 production of "The Tempest," has since built an illustrious career spanning theater, television, and film, with notable performances in productions such as "A Raisin in the Sun" and "The Inheritance." more...
Larry Bryggman, a distinguished actor with a rich history of performances both on and off Broadway, previously captivated audiences in The Tempest at The Public Theater, adding to his extensive repertoire of Shakespearean roles. more...
Adam Dannheisser, a versatile actor with an extensive career spanning Broadway, Off-Broadway, regional theater, film, and television, previously showcased his talent in The Tempest, both on Broadway and at The Public Theater. more...
MacIntyre Dixon, known for his versatile performances on Broadway in productions such as "The Tempest" and "Beauty and The Beast," has also showcased his talent Off-Broadway in "The Tempest" and "Hamlet," demonstrating his enduring presence in both classical and contemporary theatre. more...
Nathan Hinton, an accomplished actor recognized with Audelco, Barrymore, and Drama-Logue Awards, brought his talent to the stage in The Tempest, adding to his impressive repertoire that includes work at Tony and Helen Hayes Award-winning theaters. more...
Neal Huff, who has graced the Broadway stage in productions such as *Take Me Out*, *The Lion in Winter*, and *The Tempest*, brings a wealth of experience from both his extensive theatre and screen credits. more...
Bill Irwin, renowned for his multifaceted career as an actor, director, writer, and clown, brought his exceptional talent to the cast of The Tempest, adding to a repertoire that includes celebrated works such as Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and Waiting for Godot. more...
John Pankow, who has an extensive Off-Broadway resume including a past performance in The Tempest, is also known for his roles in TV series like "Episodes" and "Mad About You." more...
Liev Schreiber, known for his acclaimed performances in both independent and mainstream films, as well as his award-winning stage roles, once captivated audiences with his portrayal of Prospero in a past production of The Tempest. more...
In 1995, Sir Patrick Stewart starred as Prospero in Shakespeare's classic *The Tempest*, a role that earned him a best actor nomination from the Outer Critics Circle and was part of the highly acclaimed Shakespeare in The Park Festival. more...