The work is a 'modern day presidential satire' that explores the events leading up to the 2016 election through the unlikely friendship and clashing perspectives of two American First Daughters, written by Melissa and Winston Rauch and directed by Carolyn Cantor ('Sell Buy Date').
'We were moved when Meryl Streep reminded us of Carrie Fisher's beautiful advice to, 'Take your broken heart and make it into art' and this is our humble attempt to do so. The idea for this play was sparked by a fascination over the reported friendship between Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump. We felt this provided a perfect filter through which we could fictionally explore the epic roller-coaster that led up to the election last November and a comedic requiem for the dream that so many of us held during that time.'
2017 | New York |
Zosia Mamet, The Secret Lunches of Chelsea & Ivanka, satire, Ivanka Trump, Chelsea Clinton New York |