Jane Wagner’s ever-timely, iconic, one-woman show, The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe, examines American society, art, and human connectivity and explores the feminist movement. Revisited in a new 90-minute production, produced by The Shed, the comedic and quick-witted play stars Cecily Strong (Saturday Night Live, Schmigadoon!) more...
in her New York theatrical debut, directed by Tony-nominated Leigh Silverman (The Lifespan of a Fact, Violet).
In a role originated by Lily Tomlin, Strong first becomes Trudy, a mischievously clever observer of the society around her. As Strong transforms into a series of other archetypal characters, Trudy becomes the play’s guiding conscience for the audience—a comical, quirky, and outlandish conveyor of the nuances of American society.