Carolee Carmello, a three-time Tony Award nominee, previously captivated audiences as Marguerite in the Broadway production of The Scarlet Pimpernel. more...
Harvey Evans, who had an illustrious Broadway career beginning with his debut in 1957's New Girl in Town, was also a part of the original production of The Scarlet Pimpernel. more...
James Hindman, who previously graced the stage in The Scarlet Pimpernel, has an extensive theater background including roles in 1776 and City of Angels, and is also a noted writer with multiple Drama Desk nominations. more...
Emily Hsu, a Harvard graduate, has an impressive Broadway resume that includes her past performance in The Scarlet Pimpernel, alongside roles in ELF, Spamalot, and Miss Saigon. more...
Marc Kudisch, who performed in the 3.0 version of *The Scarlet Pimpernel*, is a distinguished actor with multiple Tony and Drama Desk nominations, known for his roles in Broadway hits like *9 to 5* and *Thoroughly Modern Millie*. more...
Elizabeth Ward Land, who graced Broadway stages in productions such as Scandalous, Memphis, and all three versions of The Scarlet Pimpernel, has also showcased her talents in numerous national tours, Off-Broadway shows, and regional theaters. more...
David St. Louis, who has an extensive theatre background including a Broadway role in The Scarlet Pimpernel, is also a recipient of the prestigious Ovation and Helen Hayes awards. more...
Robb McKindles, a versatile performer with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Musical Theater from The University of Michigan, showcased his talents in the past as the Marquis de St. Syr and Armand, as well as serving as Fight Captain, in the Broadway production and National Tour of The Scarlet Pimpernel. more...
Elizabeth O'Neill, who has graced the stage in productions such as Show Boat and Bye Bye Birdie, also brought her talents to The Scarlet Pimpernel. more...
Laura Schutter, known for her Broadway roles in Mary Poppins, The Apple Tree, and Kiss Me, Kate, also graced the stage in The Scarlet Pimpernel. more...