Glynis Bell, a seasoned actress with an extensive career in regional theatre and Broadway, was a notable member of the cast in "The Robber Bridegroom." more...
Elaine Hausman, a Juilliard-trained actress who graced Broadway stages with The Juilliard Acting Company under John Houseman's leadership, brings her extensive experience to her current role in Video Performance Coaching & Image Strategy, blending her rich theatrical background with her expertise in marketing and sales. more...
Kevin Kline, celebrated for his versatile performances across theatre and film, was a standout in "The Robber Bridegroom," showcasing his remarkable talent that has earned him numerous accolades, including Tony Awards and an Academy Award. more...
Patti LuPone, who starred in *The Robber Bridegroom*, has had an illustrious career, including a Tony Award-winning performance in *Evita* and acclaimed roles in *Gypsy* and *Sweeney Todd*. more...
David Schramm, renowned for his portrayal of Roy Biggins in the TV series Wings, showcased his versatility on Broadway with a role in the 1975 production of The Robber Bridegroom. more...