This season, Ethan Lipton (No Place to Go, Tumacho) returns to The Public with a new adventure in bittersweet and hilariously off-kilter storytelling. With music composed and performed by Ethan Lipton, Vito Dieterle, Eben Levy and Ian Riggs, The Outer Space follows two human beings who buy an old spaceship, more...
leaving the noise, pollution and overpriced rents of Earth for the vast beauty and treacherous terrain of the final frontier. But can they survive the mission?
Leigh Silverman (No Place to Go, Well, Violet) directs this out-of-this-world musical about the impossible quest to create a sustainable life. The New York Times calls Obie-winning playwright and songwriter Ethan Lipton an “expert at keeping music, jokes and...narrative tightly knitted together into one consistent human package.â€