Fred Berman, known for his diverse roles on Broadway and Off-Broadway, including a notable performance in "The Normal Heart," has also made his mark in national tours, regional theater, film, and television. more...
Judith Lightfoot Clarke, who has an extensive theatre background including performances in "The Normal Heart" at the Public Theatre, has also graced Broadway with roles in "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" and "Casa Valentina." more...
Raúl Esparza, known for his Tony-nominated performances in shows like Company and Speed the Plow, brought his extensive stage experience to his role in The Normal Heart, adding to his impressive repertoire that includes The Rocky Horror Show and tick, tick...BOOM!. more...
Joanna Gleason, a Tony Award-winning actress best known for her role as the Baker's Wife in "Into the Woods," brought her extensive stage and screen experience to the cast of "The Normal Heart," showcasing her versatile talent in this powerful production. more...