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On the edge of the Mexican jungle, a group of troubled travelers seek shelter from a storm. Directed by Michael Wilson (Broadway's The Trip to Bountiful, The Best Man), Williams' feverishly poetic 1961 drama follows a hotel proprietress and the scandal-soaked Southern preacher who turns up on her veranda. A more...


Elizabeth Ashley, known for her Tony-nominated performance in "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof," also graced the stage in "The Night of the Iguana." more...

Dana Delany, known for her award-winning role as Colleen McMurphy on "China Beach," brought her extensive acting experience to the stage in "The Night of the Iguana." more...

Stacia Fernandez, known for her Broadway performances in shows such as Mamma Mia! and Beauty and The Beast, brought her extensive stage experience to The Night of the Iguana. more...

Bill Heck, known for his roles in Broadway productions like "Cabaret" and "Brooklyn Boy," as well as Off-Broadway hits such as "Angels in America" and "The Orphans’ Home Cycle," brings his extensive stage experience to the cast of "The Night of the Iguana." more...

James Earl Jones, an acclaimed actor with a storied career, has received numerous accolades including Tony Awards for The Great White Hope and Fences, and notably performed in The Night of the Iguana. more...

Kiko Macan, originally from Spain, moved to the U.S. at 16 and is notably recognized for his role in The Night of the Iguana. more...

Susannah Perkins, who brought her talent to numerous esteemed New York theaters, was part of the cast of The Night of the Iguana, showcasing her versatility and depth as an actor. more...

Amanda Plummer, renowned for her dynamic range and critically acclaimed performances, brought her unique talent to the stage in "The Night of the Iguana," adding to her impressive repertoire that spans Broadway, film, and television. more...

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