Brian Bedford, celebrated for his versatility and depth in classical theater, directed and appeared in the 1999 Broadway revival of "The Misanthrope," showcasing his enduring commitment to the stage. more...
Mary Beth Hurt, an accomplished actress known for her versatility on both stage and screen, starred in the 1975 Broadway production of "The Misanthrope," solidifying her reputation as a talented performer early in her career. more...
David Schramm, best known for his role as Roy Biggins in the TV series Wings, showcased his versatility on stage with numerous Broadway credits, including his performance in The Misanthrope in 1983. more...
Carole Shelley, known for her Tony Award-winning performance in The Elephant Man, brought her extensive Broadway experience, including roles in The Miser and Show Boat, to the cast of The Misanthrope. more...