Peter Jay Fernandez, who played a role in 'The Merchant of Venice,' boasts an extensive career spanning Broadway, Off-Broadway, television, and film, and currently serves as Co-Head of Acting at Columbia University's School of the Arts. more...
Byron Jennings, who has an extensive career in both film and theater, previously showcased his talents in a Broadway production of The Merchant of Venice. more...
Tom Nelis, a seasoned actor with an impressive Broadway resume including "Girl From the North Country" and "Indecent," brought his extensive experience to the stage in "The Merchant of Venice," showcasing the depth of his talent honed through years of notable performances and a distinguished career. more...
Billy Porter, a Tony and Grammy Award-winning actor, showcased his remarkable talent in The Merchant of Venice at The New York Shakespeare Festival, adding to his extensive list of Off-Broadway and regional credits. more...