Kristen Johnston, known for her versatile talent across stage, television, and film, began her illustrious career in off-Broadway productions, including the notable play "The Lights." more...
Neil Pepe, who directed the Off-Broadway production of "The Lights," has been the Artistic Director of Atlantic Theater Company since 1992 and has an extensive directing portfolio that includes Broadway hits like "Speed-the-Plow" and "A Life in the Theatre." more...
David Pittu, a versatile actor, writer, and director, has an impressive theatrical resume that includes his notable role as Artie Shaughnessy in the 2010 Broadway production of "The House of Blue Leaves," directed by David Cromer. more...
Robin Spielberg, a founding member of the Atlantic Theater Company, transitioned from her acting roots in the 1980s and 1990s to become a celebrated pianist and composer, with notable achievements including three sold-out performances at Weill Hall (at Carnegie Hall). more...