The Jonathan Larson Project is a world-premiere musical that celebrates the dozens of unheard songs, unfinished and unproduced musicals, and pop songs found in files and boxes when the visionary writer of RENT died suddenly at the age of 35 in 1996. Conceived by Jennifer Ashley Tepper and directed by John Simpkins, The Jonathan Larson Project features more than 20 undiscovered songs by the Pulitzer and Tony Award-winning writer. The treasure trove of songs includes work from unproduced shows including 1984 and Superbia, songs that were cut from RENT and tick, tick…BOOM!, songs written for theatrical revues and for the radio, and most importantly, songs never publicly performed or recorded before The Jonathan Larson Project. Jonathan’s voice reaches through time to inspire audiences as The Jonathan Larson Project brings to the stage the extraordinary unheard songs of the writer who revolutionized Broadway. From presidential elections to environmental activism to creating and connecting despite every obstacle, Jonathan’s songs speak to our present time with stunning resonance. At the same time, they reflect the journey of an unknown young artist, struggling against rejection, making ends meet as a waiter in a diner, and finding his voice... which he has no idea will someday lead to triumph and enduring fame, tragically after he’s gone. The Jonathan Larson Project is a thrilling undiscovered treasure trove full of theatre history that is also a world-premiere musical filled with songs you will never forget.
The Jonathan Larson Project brings him back to life for ninety minutes and then sends us out into the East Village night feeling his loss all over again.
Beyond nostalgia, The Jonathan Larson Project leaves Larson admirers in want — and not just for the potential of his unrealized ideas. The program explains for what or whom Larson originally wrote each song. Some numbers can speak for themselves, but others would benefit from more onstage context. For example, Larson composed ‘Love Heals,’ rapturously performed by Jones, to honor the late AIDS activist Alison Gertz. But only the program will tell you that, and the show leaves this person’s life untouched.
2025 | Off-Broadway |
Off-Broadway Premiere Off-Broadway |