René Auberjonois, known for his versatile roles in theater, film, and television, once captivated audiences with his performance as Dr. Marcus Andrews in the past on the hit medical drama *The Good Doctor*. more...
Marsha Mason, an acclaimed actress with four Academy Award nominations and two Golden Globe wins, brought her exceptional talent to the stage in The Good Doctor. more...
Christopher Plummer, a legendary Canadian actor whose illustrious career spanned seven decades, was renowned for his role as Captain Georg von Trapp in the iconic musical film *The Sound of Music* (1965). more...
Frances Sternhagen, a distinguished actress with a career spanning several decades, won a Tony Award for Best Supporting Actress in 1974 for her role in the original Broadway production of Neil Simon's *The Good Doctor*. more...
Awards and Nominations
1974 Tony Awards
Best Performance by an Actor in a Featured Role in a Play: Rene Auberjonois was nominated but did not win.
Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Role in a Play: Frances Sternhagen won.