Eugene O'Neill's groundbreaking play The Emperor Jones is the story of Brutus Jones, a despot who ascends the throne using lies, intimidation and the politics of fear. Following a prison break in the United States, Jones sets himself up as monarch of a Caribbean island. When the Natives rebel after years of exploitation, Jones's mesmerizing journey into darkness becomes a terrifying psychological portrayal of power, fear, and madness. With his demons in heavy pursuit, the Emperor is forced to confront not just the mortal sins of his past but also the depravities against his ancestors-all in search of forgiveness and salvation.
1920 | Broadway |
Broadway |
1926 | Broadway |
Broadway |
1926 | Broadway |
Broadway |
2017 | Off-Broadway |
Off-Broadway Revival at Irish Rep Off-Broadway |
Year | Ceremony | Category | Nominee |
2017 | Best Play Revival | The Emperor Jones |