The Decline and Fall of the Entire World as Seen Through the Eyes of Cole Porter was originally created and directed by Ben Bagley. This irreverent musical journey, conceived by Bagley in 1965, travels the globe through an array of gems from the vast Porter canon, both familiar and forgotten. The "world" under scrutiny is that between 1919 and 1945 when, indeed, some considerable declining and falling went on. Unfortunately (but fortunately for us), it's just as relevant now as it was over fifty years ago-"times have changed, and we've often rewound the clock," as Porter wrote, and now we're rewinding it again. The New York Times, in its original review, said the revue "relishes Cole Porter, feasting on his lively and lilting tunes, tunes that are so marked by the Porter dash and swagger that they are immediately recognizable even though one may never have heard them before." In times of great turmoil, Porter created a world of his own through his songs and made ours richer in the process.
1965 | Off-Broadway |
Original Off-Broadway Production Off-Broadway |
1967 | Los Angeles |
Los Angeles Production Los Angeles |
2006 |
Caldwell Theatre Production |
2019 | Off-Broadway |
York Theatre Company's Musicals in Mufti Off-Broadway Production Off-Broadway |