The Break of Noon marks Neil LaBute’s seventh collaboration with MCC Theater as Playwright-in-Residence, following the 2009 Tony Award-nominated Best Play, Reasons to be Pretty. Renowned for his darkly-comic morality plays (The Shape of Things, In a Dark Dark House), he teams up again with longtime collaborator, director Jo Bonney more...
(Some Girl(s), Fat Pig), for this exploration of the daunting, sometimes harrowing process of “finding religion.”
Amidst the chaos and horror of the worst office shooting in American history, John Smith (Duchovny) sees the face of God. His modern-day revelation creates a maelstrom of disbelief among everyone he knows. A newcomer to faith, John urgently searches for a modern response to the age-old question: at what cost salvation?
Recipient of an “Edgerton Foundation New American Plays” Award.