Alejandro Cuello, a talented Uruguayan teen actor and pop singer, showcased his impressive vocal abilities and stage presence in the TV movie "Raphael" (2010), where he portrayed the young version of the renowned Spanish singer Raphael. more...
Ann Dowd, who graced the Broadway stage in "Taking Sides," has an impressive theater background, including a Clarence Derwent Award-winning performance as Prossy in "Candida" and notable roles in productions like "The Seagull" and "Our Town." more...
Ed Harris, renowned for his critically acclaimed performances in films such as Apollo 13 and The Truman Show, brought his formidable talent to the stage in "Taking Sides," showcasing his versatility and depth as an actor in this compelling historical drama. more...
Elizabeth Marvel, a Juilliard-trained actress, has an impressive array of Broadway credits including her performance in "Taking Sides," alongside notable roles in "Top Girls," "Seascape," and "The Seagull." more...
Michael Stuhlbarg, known for his extensive work in New York theatre, including his role in Ronald Harwood’s *Taking Sides*, achieved widespread acclaim for his film work, notably earning a Golden Globe nomination for his performance in the Coen Brothers’ *A Serious Man*. more...