At the pinnacle of her career, internationally recognized photographer Carrie Ann inexplicably shuts down. Lost and afraid to even pick up a camera, her sudden descent is interrupted by an unexpected romance with Jeff, a trend analyst determined to help her move on even while facing his own uncertain future. more...
Two-time Drama Desk-nominated playwright Alexander Dinelaris (Red Dog Howls), is quickly being recognized as a stunning new voice in American theater. Film and theater director Will Frears (Omnium Gatherum) brings his discerning eye to this funny and heartbreaking play about a generation paralyzed by fear. The production's uniformly superb cast features Dominic Chianese (Uncle Junior in The Sopranos), Adriane Lenox (Tony Award-winner for Doubt), Sarah Paulson (of NBC's Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip), Frederick Weller (of MCC's In a Dark Dark House and In Plain Sight on USA), and more.