Based on Kate Davis' 2001 Sundance Award-winning documentary, SOUTHERN COMFORT is a courageous, heart-soaring musical that tells the true story of a group of transgender friends living life on their own terms in the back hills of rural Georgia. Winner of the prestigious Jonathan Larson Award, this folk and bluegrass-inspired more...
musical is a celebration of redefining family and choosing love over every obstacle.
Annette O'Toole and Jeff McCarthy will reprise their roles as Robert Eads and Lola Cola, respectively, along with Lizzie Hagstedt (Storyteller Musician, Bass); Jeffrey Kuhn (Jackson); Elizabeth Ward Land (Storyteller Musician, Djembe); David M. Lutken (Storyteller Musician, Guitar); Morgan Morse (Musician); Robin Skye (Melanie); and Joel Waggoner (Storyteller Musician, Violin). Donnie Cianciotto and Aneesh Sheth complete the cast of SOUTHERN COMFORT after an open call to the transgender community and a nationwide search for submissions.