Harriett D. Foy, an award-winning actress known for her versatile performances from Broadway to Dubai, was part of the cast of "Slut," showcasing her extensive experience in both theater and television, including her notable role as Patrice Woodbine in the STARZ series "P-Valley." more...
David Josefsberg, known for his Broadway roles in shows such as The Prom and Waitress, brought his dynamic talent to Slut, adding another notable performance to his impressive career. more...
Andy Karl, an Olivier Award-winner and three-time Tony Award nominee, who starred in Slut, has an impressive Broadway resume including shows like Pretty Woman, Groundhog Day, and Rocky, and can soon be seen in Jersey Boys Live! alongside Nick Jonas. more...
Kevin Pariseau, who played Mushnik in Michael Mayer’s Off-Broadway production of Little Shop of Horrors, brings a wealth of experience to the cast of Slut, having also been part of the original Broadway casts of Legally Blonde the Musical and Ink. more...
Jim Stanek, known for his extensive Broadway career including roles in "Fun Home" and "A Gentleman’s Guide to Love & Murder," brings his seasoned talent to the cast of "Slut," reflecting his diverse experience from stage to screen. more...