Lauren Ambrose, a two-time Emmy Award nominee known for her role in HBO's "Six Feet Under," previously captivated audiences as Juliet in the Public Theater's Shakespeare in the Park production of Romeo and Juliet. more...
Ari Brand, who has an impressive array of NYC theater credits including a performance in *Romeo and Juliet* with the New York Shakespeare Festival (NYSF), has also been seen in *Prayer For the French Republic* at MTC and *My Name is Asher Lev* Off-Broadway. more...
Michael Cristofer, known for his Pulitzer Prize-winning play "The Shadow Box" and his extensive career in film and television, brought his depth and nuance to the stage in "Romeo and Juliet," showcasing his versatility as an actor. more...
Saidah Arrika Ekulona, an award-winning actress known for originating the role of Mama Nadi in the Pulitzer Prize-winning play *Ruined*, brought her exceptional talent to the stage in a past production of *Romeo and Juliet*. more...
Brian Tyree Henry, an Emmy nominee known for his versatile acting across film, television, and theater, once showcased his talent in a production of "Romeo and Juliet" at New York Stage and Film and The Public. more...
Oscar Isaac, who played Romeo in The Public Theater’s Shakespeare in the Park production of Romeo and Juliet, is an award-winning actor known for his versatile roles in film, television, and theatre. more...
Orville Mendoza, who has an extensive Off-Broadway resume including a past performance in Romeo and Juliet, recently appeared in the East Coast premiere of Swept Away at Arena Stage. more...
Jeffrey Omura, a Carnegie Mellon University School of Drama graduate, made his New York City debut in Shakespeare in the Park's production of Romeo and Juliet at the Delacorte Theater in Central Park. more...
Austin Pendleton, who has an extensive and illustrious career on Broadway and Off-Broadway, including a Tony nomination for directing the 1981 revival of *The Little Foxes*, once took on the title role in *Hamlet* in an Off-Off-Broadway production. more...