Tracee Beazer, known for her performances in Broadway hits such as "Something Rotten!" and "Memphis," brought her versatile talent to the stage in "Radiant Baby." more...
Rhett G. George, known for his performances in Broadway hits like Wicked, Memphis, and Sweet Charity, brought his talent to the cast of Radiant Baby more...
Kate Jennings Grant, who starred in "Radiant Baby" directed by George C. Wolfe at the Public Theater, has an impressive array of stage, film, and television credits, including her recent Broadway appearance in "The Country House." more...
Curtis Holbrook, known for his extensive Broadway credits including If/Then and West Side Story, also showcased his talents Off-Broadway in productions like Radiant Baby. more...
Aaron Lohr, known for his role as 'Steve' in the 2005 film adaptation of RENT, also showcased his talents Off-Broadway in BARE and shared the stage with his now wife, Idina Menzel, in Michael John LaChiusa's SEE WHAT I WANNA SEE. more...
Michael Winther, who captivated audiences in the Off-Broadway production of Radiant Baby at The Public, boasts an impressive resume with credits spanning Broadway, film, and television. more...