Loretta Devine, renowned for her role as Lorrell Robinson in the original 1981 Broadway production of Dreamgirls, brings her exceptional talent to the stage once again in Purlie. more...
Paulette Ivory, a British actress and singer known for her powerful vocals and dynamic stage presence, has had an illustrious career in London's West End, including her notable performance in the 1990s production of "Purlie." more...
Jacques C. Smith, who previously captivated audiences on Broadway as Benny in Rent, brought his extensive experience from national tours and acclaimed regional theaters to the cast of Purlie. more...
Timothy Ware, known for his Broadway role in Kinky Boots and his national tour performances in shows like Mamma Mia! and Dreamgirls, brought his versatile talent to the stage in Purlie. more...
Harrison White, known for his roles in The Underground Railroad (2021), I Got the Hook Up (1998), and Se7en (1995), was a notable member of the cast in Purlie. more...