Escape into the absurdly funny world of Promenade where two fugitives, known only as 105 and 106, navigate the world of haves and have-nots while on the run from the law. A zany anti-adventure written by the "mother of avant-garde theater," Maria Irene Fornes, and featuring an eclectic musical blend more...
Promenade Theme
Dig, Dig, Dig
Unrequited Love
Isn't That Clear?
Don't Eat It
Chicken Is He
A Flower
Rosita Rodriguez
Apres Vous
The Moment Has Passed
Thank You
The Clothes Make the Man
The Cigarette Song
Two Little Angels
The Passing of Time
Capricious and Fickle
Crown Me
Mr. Phelps
Spring Beauties
A Poor Man
Why Not?
The Finger Song
Little Fool
The Laughing Song
A Mother's Love
Listen, I Feel
I Saw a Man
All Is Well in the City