Caution: Contains truth, lies and misinformation. You decide.
Rob is putting science and scepticism to the test in his new play. For
research, he speaks to Mary, a mother trying to make the best
decisions for her family, Toby, an angry son who distrusts
institutions, and Edward Jenner, the father of modern vaccinations.
The more more...
he listens, the more he struggles to keep his ownsubjectivity off the table, which begs the question – how do youknow who to trust?Rob Drummond, whose plays are ‘utterly unpredictable’ (TheStage), explores the politics around vaccines, and the human storiesbehind them.__Assisted Performances:__
Audio Described: 24 October, 7.30pm
Captioned: 21 October, 7.30pm
Relaxed: 19 October, 2.30pm