Emmy and Peabody Award-winning comedian, Paul Mecurio, announces his new Off-Broadway show: PERMISSION TO SPEAK WITH PAUL MECURIO. With over a decade of television appearances including his own comedy special, his longtime association with Stephen Colbert through multiple stand-up appearances on and as being the opening act for The Late more...
Show, and headlining comedy shows throughout the U.S. and Europe, Mecurio is prepared for this next great challenge.
In this exciting one man comedy show with a twist, starring the audience and Mecurio, Mecurio improvises with audience members by randomly bringing them on stage and talking with them about who they are, their lives, interests, personal experiences and what they honestly think without feeling boxed in by the confines of contrived political correctness or fear of offending. A breath of fresh air, PERMISSION TO SPEAK is first and foremost, funny and entertaining, but also a truly freeing experience.