Gerard Bentall, known for his roles in Jesus Christ Superstar Live Arena Tour and the 2012 film adaptation of Les Miserables, brings his remarkable talent to the cast of Peggy Sue Got Married. more...
Verity Bentham, who graced the stage in the Shaftesbury Theatre's production of Peggy Sue Got Married, has an impressive theatre background including roles in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Wizard of Oz, and Chicago. more...
Ruthie Henshall, known for her illustrious career in musicals such as Cats and Les Misérables, brought her exceptional talent to the cast of Peggy Sue Got Married, adding to her impressive repertoire of performances. more...
Tim Howar, known for his extensive work in Canadian and London theatre, took on the lead role in the West End production of Peggy Sue Got Married, showcasing his versatility before later joining the rock opera Rent as Roger. more...
Gavin Lee, who starred in the West End production of "Peggy Sue Got Married," has an impressive theater resume including Tony and Olivier nominations for his role as Bert in Disney's "Mary Poppins" on Broadway. more...
Vicki Simon, renowned for her portrayal of Ado Annie Carnes in the 1999 film Oklahoma!, also graced the stage in the West End production of Oklahoma! and took part in Peggy Sue Got Married. more...
Sam Strasfeld, who performed in "Peggy Sue Got Married" on London's West End, makes his Roundabout debut with an impressive resume that includes Broadway hits like "Carousel" and "Miss Saigon." more...