Ned Eisenberg, who played Iago in an Off-Broadway production of Othello, has an extensive career that includes roles in Broadway shows such as Rocky and Golden Boy, as well as notable performances in TV series like "The Night Of" and "Law and Order: SVU." more...
John Douglas Thompson, who has received numerous accolades including the Obie and Drama Desk awards, delivered a powerful performance in the Off-Broadway production of Othello. more...
Graham Winton, known for his roles in "Gettysburg," "The Americans," and "FBI," brought his talent to the stage in a past production of "Othello." more...
Awards and Nominations
2009 The Lortels
Outstanding Featured Actress: Juliet Rylance was nominated but did not win.
Outstanding Lead Actor: John Douglas Thompson won.
Outstanding Lead Actor: Ned Eisenberg was nominated but did not win.