Kelsey Grammer, known for his iconic role as Dr. Frasier Crane, portrayed Cassio in the 1982 production of Othello, acting alongside Christopher Plummer and James Earl Jones. more...
James Earl Jones, who has garnered Drama Desk Awards for his performances in Othello, Les Blancs, Hamlet, The Cherry Orchard, and Fences, brought his remarkable talent to the stage in a past production of Othello. more...
Christopher Plummer, who received a Tony nomination for his role in the 1982 production of Othello, was a distinguished Canadian actor whose illustrious career spanned seven decades and included accolades such as an Academy Award, two Tony Awards, and two Primetime Emmy Awards. more...
Dianne Wiest, a two-time Academy Award winner renowned for her roles in "Hannah and Her Sisters" and "Bullets Over Broadway," brought her exceptional talent to the stage in "Othello." more...