Peter Jay Fernandez, a seasoned actor and educator, brought his extensive experience to the stage in "Once Around the City," adding to his impressive repertoire that includes Broadway hits like "All the Way" and "Jelly’s Last Jam," as well as numerous Off-Broadway productions and acclaimed TV roles. more...
Geoffrey Nauffts, a versatile actor, writer, and director, brought his considerable talents to the stage in "Once Around the City," adding to his impressive resume that includes a Tony Award nomination for his play "Next Fall." more...
William Parry, known for his extensive Broadway career including roles in "Sunday in the Park with George" and "Jesus Christ Superstar," brought his seasoned talent to the cast of "Once Around the City" more...
Michael Potts, who played a key role in "Once Around the City," is an accomplished actor known for his diverse performances across stage and screen, including his critically acclaimed portrayal of "Slow Drag" in Netflix’s "MA RAINEY’S BLACK BOTTOM" and his memorable role as "Detective Maynard Gilbough" in HBO’s "True Detective." more...
Sandra Shipley, known for her extensive work on Broadway including "The Importance of Being Earnest" and "Blithe Spirit," brought her seasoned talent to the cast of "Once Around the City" in the past, enriching the production with her vast experience from both U.S. regional theaters and prestigious U.K. stages like the Royal Shakespeare Company. more...