Maureen Anderman, who received a Theatre World Award for her performance in "Moonchildren," has also been recognized with nominations for her roles in "Seascape" and "The Lady From Dubuque" on Broadway. more...
Kevin Conway, who was part of the cast of Moonchildren, is renowned for his impressive career on both Broadway and off-Broadway, including notable performances in The Elephant Man and Of Mice and Men. more...
Jill Eikenberry, best known for her Emmy-nominated role on "LA Law," showcased her talent on Broadway in the past with performances in "Moonchildren," among other notable productions. more...
Louis Zorich, remembered for his extensive career on stage, television, and film, brought his seasoned talent to the cast of "Moonchildren" in the past, enriching the production with his vast experience and nuanced performances. more...
Awards and Nominations
1972 Tony Awards
Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Role in a Play: Cara Duff-MacCormick won.