Patricia Conolly, who has an extensive resume including Broadway, West End, and regional theater, was part of the cast of "Misalliance" at the Roundabout Theatre, showcasing her versatile talent in a range of productions. more...
Stephen Kunken, known for his Tony-nominated role as Andy Fastow in Enron, previously showcased his talent in the Roundabout Theatre Company's production of Misalliance. more...
Elizabeth Marvel, who earned an OBIE Award for her performance in the Roundabout Theatre Company's production of Misalliance, boasts an impressive resume with notable Broadway and Off-Broadway credits, including her acclaimed roles in Hedda Gabler and Therese Raquin. more...
Brian Murray, a Tony-nominated actor celebrated for his commanding stage presence and rich voice, brought his remarkable talent to "Misalliance" in the past, adding to his extensive and diverse theatrical legacy. more...
Alan Tudyk, known for his diverse roles in both film and television, brought his versatile talent to the cast of Misalliance, showcasing his ability to seamlessly transition between genres and mediums. more...