Anika Larsen, who has graced Broadway stages in productions like Avenue Q and Rent, brought her diverse talents to Miracle Brothers, showcasing her extensive experience in both Broadway and Off-Broadway performances. more...
Kerry Butler, known for her Tony-nominated performance in Xanadu and her versatile roles in Mean Girls, graced the stage in "Miracle Brothers" with the same dynamic presence that has earned her acclaim in numerous Broadway productions such as Hairspray and Beauty and the Beast. more...
Clifton Oliver, who graced the stage in Broadway hits such as The Lion King and In the Heights, brought his remarkable talent to the cast of Miracle Brothers in the past, leaving an indelible mark on the production. more...
Karen Olivo, who is known for originating the lead role of Satine in Broadway's Moulin Rouge! (2019), brings her extensive experience and Tony Award-winning talent to the cast of Miracle Brothers. more...
Gregory Treco, a versatile performer from Nassau, Bahamas, who has taken on roles in Broadway hits like Hamilton and Taboo, showcased his talent in Miracle Brothers at the Vineyard Theatre, directed by Tina Landau. more...
William Youmans, known for his extensive Broadway credits including roles in "Wicked" and "Titanic," also showcased his talent in "Miracle Brothers." more...