Created and performed by Drama Desk Award-nominated mentalist Vinny DePonto (Charlatan), written by Vinny DePonto and Josh Koenigsberg, and directed by Andrew Neisler, Mindplay invites audiences to an unforgettable, gasp-inducing experience in which your thoughts and memories play a leading role. Infused with intrigue and mystery, DePonto guides participants on a jaw-dropping, interactive journey as he reads minds while also revealing his own. The show was hailed by Broadway World LA as an “inviting, nostalgia-ridden… gem of a performance. Vinny DePonto is a masterful actor, storyteller, mentalist and illusionist, and Mindplay puts all his talents on display in a unique production that is not to be missed.” The Washington Post raves DePonto “brings ‘how did he do that?’ wonder to delight all…”, and demonstrates “enthralling feats of mind-probing prowess…” and “mesmerizing stage magic — including one particularly head-spinning stunt.” Masterfully blurring the line between illusion and reality, while investigating the wildly unreliable nature of memory, Mindplay will send audiences reeling into the night.
2025 | Off-Broadway | Off-Broadway Production Off-Broadway |