Stuart Hodes, renowned for his extensive career as a dancer and choreographer, brought his exceptional talent to the stage in "Milk and Honey," showcasing his versatility that spanned Broadway, television, and film. more...
Ellen Madison, a Brooklyn-born actress known for her roles in "The Fugitive," "Kojak," and "The Untouchables," was also a notable cast member in "Milk and Honey." more...
Edgar A Mastin showcased his talent in the original Broadway run of "Milk and Honey" from 1961 to 1963, adding to his impressive resume that includes notable productions like "The Pink Jungle" and "Hello Dolly." more...
Tommy Rall, known for his dynamic presence in 1950s musical comedies, showcased his versatile talent as a featured performer in "Milk and Honey." more...
Jane Zachary, known for her roles in The Felony Squad, Death Valley Days, and The Magical World of Disney, was also a part of the original tour of The Sound of Music. more...
Awards and Nominations
1962 Tony Awards
Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Musical: Molly Picon was nominated but did not win.