Natalie Gallo, who has previously captivated audiences as Ali and understudied Sophie in the past productions of Mamma Mia!, brings a wealth of experience from her roles on Broadway and National Tours, including her notable performance in Jersey Boys as Mary Delgado. more...
Ellen Harvey, who has an extensive background in both Broadway and national tours, brought her talents to the national tour of Mamma Mia!, showcasing her versatility and experience in musical theatre. more...
James Kall, who played Harry in the National Tour of "Mamma Mia!," has an extensive theater background, including Broadway, Off-Broadway, and numerous regional theaters across the US and Canada. more...
Don Noble, who played Sam in the national tour of Mamma Mia!, has an impressive array of credits including Broadway's End of the Rainbow and numerous regional productions such as Emma at the Old Globe and To Kill a Mockingbird at Capital Rep. more...