Larry Bryggman, a Tony-nominated actor known for his performances in "Proof" and "Picnic," brought his extensive experience from both Broadway and Off-Broadway to the cast of "Macbeth." more...
Peter Jay Fernandez, who has a distinguished career on Broadway and Off-Broadway, including a past performance in "Macbeth," currently serves as Co-Head of Acting at Columbia University's School of the Arts, Graduate Division. more...
Harriet Harris, who appeared in Macbeth, is a Tony and Drama Desk Award-winning actress known for her roles in Broadway hits such as Thoroughly Modern Millie and Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella, as well as her memorable television roles in "Desperate Housewives" and "Frasier." more...
Christopher McHale, who has an extensive theatrical resume including performances in Lincoln Center Theater's production of Macbeth, has also graced the Broadway stage in shows like Execution of Justice and The Iceman Cometh. more...
Matt Bradford Sullivan, who graced Broadway in 1995 with his performance in The School for Scandal, also brought his talents to the screen in the 2018 series New Amsterdam. more...
Mary Louise Wilson, who starred as Big Edie in the Tony Award-winning production of Grey Gardens, brought her extensive stage experience to the role of Queen Elizabeth I in Macbeth. more...