Richard H. Blake, who has an extensive Broadway resume including roles in "Jersey Boys" and "Wicked," once portrayed Boy Macduff in a past production of "Macbeth." more...
Glenda Jackson, who passed away in June 2023, had an illustrious career that included a return to the stage in 2016 to play King Lear at the Old Vic, a full 25 years after her last theatrical performance. more...
Cherry Jones, a Tony and Emmy-winning actress renowned for her extensive work in theatre and television, brings her exceptional talent to the cast of Macbeth, having previously earned acclaim for her performances in productions such as THE HEIRESS and DOUBT on Broadway. more...
Christopher Plummer, renowned for his extensive career and accolades, delivered a memorable performance in a past production of "Macbeth," showcasing his exceptional talent on stage. more...
Thomas Schall, a seasoned actor with over 60 Broadway shows to his name, including acclaimed productions like The Crucible and Death of a Salesman, brought his extensive stage experience to the cast of Macbeth. more...