Darren Carnall showcased his versatility in the ensemble and as a cover for Gollum in the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane production of The Lord of the Rings. more...
Claire Doyle, who was part of the original West End cast of The Lord of the Rings at Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, has an extensive theatre background, including roles in Evita and the title role in Snow White at the Grand Opera House in Belfast. more...
Peter Howe garnered critical acclaim for his performance in "The Lord of the Rings" at Theatre Royal, Drury Lane/Toronto, earning a Dora Mavor Moore nomination for Best Actor in a Musical. more...
Luke Johnson showcased his versatility in the West End production of The Lord of the Rings at Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, where he performed as an ensemble member and understudied the roles of Ferny and Haldir. more...
Laura Michelle Kelly, who performed in the West End production of The Lord of the Rings, is an Olivier Award-winning actress known for her role in Mary Poppins. more...
Tim Morgan, who trained at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, brought a commanding presence to the role of Saruman in the Drury Lane production of The Lord of the Rings. more...
Stuart Neal, who graced the stage in the Theatre Royal Drury Lane's production of The Lord of the Rings, has an extensive theater background including roles in Macbeth at the Park Avenue Armory and Follies at the Opera du Toulon. more...
Richard Roe, who has an extensive career spanning 20 years across the West End, UK television, and international projects, worked closely with renowned directors and choreographers on notable productions, including the past stage adaptation of The Lord of The Rings. more...
Robbie Scotcher, who was part of the original cast and took over as Aragorn in Lord of the Rings at Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, has an extensive theatre background including notable roles in Blood Brothers, MAMMA MIA!, and Guys and Dolls. more...
Nick Searle, a Laine Theatre Arts graduate, has an impressive theatre resume including a notable performance in "The Lord of the Rings" at Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. more...