Seymour is a down-on-his-luck florist with a crush on his co-worker Audrey. When he discovers a mysterious – and voracious – plant, suddenly Seymour and Audrey are thrust into an epic battle that will determine the fate of the entire human race. Little Shop of Horrors made its highly-anticipated return more...
Little Shop of Horrors opened at the Westside Theatre (Upstairs) on Tuesday Sep 21, 2021 and has now been running for 2 years.
Skid Row
Grow for Me
Don't It Go to Show Ya Never Know
Somewhere That's Green
Closed for Renovations
Mushnik and Son
Git It
Call Back in the Morning
Suddenly, Seymour
The Meek Shall Inherit
Suppertime II
Finale [i]
I Found a Hobby
A Little Dental Music
We'll Have Tomorrow
The Greening of America
Finale [ii]
Some Fun Now
Mean Green Mother from Outerspace
Prologue (Little Shop of Horrors)
Skid Row (Downtown)
Da - Doo
Grow for Me
You Never Know
Somewhere That's Green
Closed for Renovations
Be A Dentist
Mushnik and Son
Git It (Feed Me)
Now (It's Just the Gas)
Suddenly, Seymour
The Meek Shall Inherit
Finale (Don't Feed the Plants)