Jennifer Allen, known for her collaborative work with Michael Gruber on "The Old Dead 5" and "Vegas Organic," has also showcased her talents in "Little Me." more...
Andrea Chamberlain, known for her Broadway performances in shows like Guys And Dolls and The Drowsy Chaperone, brought her talent to Little Me, adding to her impressive repertoire of both Broadway and Off-Broadway credits. more...
Denis Jones, a two-time Tony Award-nominated choreographer and director, showcased his remarkable talent in the past with the Broadway production of Honeymoon in Vegas, bringing his extensive experience from both stage and screen to the show. more...
Michael Park, known for his role as Lucky in the Broadway production of Little Me, has an extensive resume that includes performances in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, How to Succeed, and Carousel, as well as Emmy-winning work on "As The World Turns." more...
Faith Prince, celebrated for her Tony-winning performance as Miss Adelaide in the 1992 revival of *Guys and Dolls*, showcased her versatile talent in the past with her role in *Little Me*. more...
Martin Short's illustrious career includes a Tony Award-winning performance in the Broadway production of "Little Me," showcasing his remarkable talent and versatility on stage. more...