Stephen Lee Anderson, known for his extensive work on Broadway and Off-Broadway, including productions like "Wicked" and "Floyd Collins," brought his seasoned talent to "Life (x) 3." more...
Linda Emond, who starred alongside John Turturro, Helen Hunt, and Brent Spiner in "Life x 3," has an extensive career in film, television, and theater, including notable roles in "Julie & Julia" and "Death of a Salesman." more...
Helen Hunt, known for her award-winning role in "Mad About You" and her Oscar-winning performance in "As Good as It Gets," also showcased her theatrical talent in "Life (x) 3," adding to her diverse and accomplished career in both film and theatre. more...
John Turturro, known for his versatile roles in film, television, and on stage, brought his extensive acting experience to "Life (x) 3," showcasing his remarkable talent in a play that captivated audiences more...
Awards and Nominations
2003 Outer Critics Circle Awards
Outstanding Featured Actress in a Play: Linda Emond won.
2003 Tony Awards
Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Role in a Play: Linda Emond was nominated but did not win.