Set in Buenos Aires in the 1970s, this stirring stage adaptation of Manuel Puig’s acclaimed novel, Kiss of the Spider Woman, inspired both an Oscar-winning film and a Tony-winning musical. Two strangers (one imprisoned for his political beliefs, the other for his sexuality) form an intimate relationship that transcends the walls of their cell, offering a provocative and tender look at the intersection of humanity and politics.
1990 |
World Premiere |
1992 | Toronto |
Toronto Production Toronto |
1992 | West End |
London Production West End |
1993 | Broadway |
Broadway Production Broadway |
2007 | Off-Broadway |
Off-Broadway Revival Off-Broadway |
2008 | Arlington, VA (Regional) |
Kander & Ebb Celebration Production Arlington, VA (Regional) |
2020 | Off-Broadway |
Classic Stage Company Off-Broadway Production Off-Broadway |