Kerry Butler, who has an extensive Broadway resume including a Tony-nominated performance in Xanadu and notable roles in Mean Girls and Hairspray, was also a part of the cast of King of Hearts more...
Barrett Foa, known for his role as Eric Beale on NCIS: Los Angeles, showcased his versatility in the theater world with performances like Mordred in CAMELOT at the Paper Mill Playhouse and Cupid in the off-Broadway production of CUPID AND PSYCHE, before eventually becoming the first understudy and later the lead in AVENUE Q. more...
Michael Hunsaker, who has an extensive background in musical theatre and has performed in notable productions such as Les Miserables and Jesus Christ Superstar, was a standout in *King of Hearts*. more...
Julia Wade, who starred in KING OF HEARTS with Musicals Tonight in New York, has been celebrated for her versatile performances in concerts, opera, and musical theatre, including notable appearances at The Rome Opera and Carnegie Hall. more...
Gordon Joseph Weiss, who previously performed in "King of Hearts" on Broadway and at Goodspeed, is making his MTC debut after transitioning with "Fool for Love" from the 2014 Williamstown Theater Festival. more...